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This includes, but is not limited to, remembering your site preferences to speed up the process the next time you visit us, ensuring the presented information is relevant to you and to collect anonymous browsing information, such as number of visitors, pages visited and location.

In compliance with GDPR, you will be asked if you agree to us installing cookies on your computer. To experience all the features and functionality of our site, we recommend that you leave cookies ‘enabled’.

You can, at any time, disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings. You can find out more by clicking the links below:



MS Explorer:



Disabling cookies will affect the way our site works and could prevent certain features and functionality from working. Once you have agreed to enabling cookies, user consent is provided by continued operation including page scrolling and clicking links.



The cookies we set:

Site preferences cookies.

This cookie is used to remember your preferences in particular the relevancy of information and how the site functions. We apply these cookies and re-call this information every time you interact with a page affected by your preferences.


Forms related cookies

When you submit data through a form such as those found on our contact pages or comment forms, cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence.

Third Party Cookies

We also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might find on our site.

Social Media:

We also use social media buttons and /or plugins on this site that allow you to connect directly with your social network. The following platforms are integrated into our site and we set cookies to enhance your profile or add information to the data they collect.

To discover more about their privacy policy, click on the links.




We use a video platform service, You Tube, to display videos on our website. Cookies are set to enhance the viewer enjoyment by estimating the user’s bandwidth prior to playing. You Tube will also record your user preferences to track and present you with relevant videos.


You can find out how they do this here:


Website analysis:

Our website uses Google Analytics to help us understand how our site is used and how we can improve your viewing experience. These cookies may track how long you spend on the site, which pages you viewed and which features worked best for you.

You can find out more here:

You can also opt-out of being tracked by Google Analytics on all websites by visiting here


If you require more detailed information, please contact us at: Exawatt,

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